› Education without guidance and counseling is not complete and the person is unable to develop his personality fully and thus unable to serve society by his talents and abilities
› Skinner: “guidance is a process of helping young persons learn to adjust to self, to others and to circumstances”.
› JM Brewer: “Guidance as a process through which an individual is able to solve their problems and pursue a path suited to their abilities and aspirations”.
› Guidance is an educational service designed to help students make more effective use of the schools training programme
› Guidance refers to the process of assisting the individual:
o To find out his needs,
o Understand his problems,
o Asses his potentialities
o To formulate plans of action
o To maximize his potential development and adjustment
Educational guidance refers to organized group of services established at educational for the purpose of assisting each student attain his maximum potential development and adjustment with environment and set the desirable goal.
Nature and Characteristics
› It is a personal service
› Help and assistance to an individual to solve problems
› It is a planning for future
› It helps a person to decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do and how best he can reach goals
› It is promotion of growth of individual in self-direction
› Continues and dynamic
› Based on educational objectives
› It provide benefit both the individual and society
› For better future adjustment
› Overall these field- Educational, vocational and social
› Attainment of self-direction by an individual
› It is a process of learning, helping and effecting changes in an individual
› Process of assisting an individual to find his place
› It helps to establish an effective relationship between his total educational experiences and his personnel needs and potentialities
› It is a process of assisting to adjust
› It provides physical and mental health
› Well rounded social development
› Proper use of leisure time
› Mastery of fundamental school processes
› Guidance covers the whole extent of youth problems
› Appropriate social behavior
› Personal effectiveness in every day affairs
› Assimilation of right values and attitudes
› Guidance is remedial. Orientation and developmental
› It is both generalized and specialized service
Need for guidance in school
› Total development of the student
› For educational career development
› To recognize and use one’s inner potential
› For adjustment in school and home
› To minimize the incidence of indiscipline
› To help exceptional children in their optimal development
› It is needed to satisfy needs of all type of learners
› To develop healthy and balanced personality