What is Counseling?

In a guidance programme, counseling is the centre of all information.
It is a sort of conversation between a trained (counselor) and untrained (client) individual to guide the untrained person towards a particular goal with the help of interviews.

· Rogers: “counseling is a series of direct contacts with the individual which aim to offer him assistance in changing the attitudes and behaviour”.

· Shotorm: “counseling as a self-adjustive process, which helps the client become more self-directive and self-responsible
· Specialized, personalized and individualized service”.
· Self-analysis, self-insight and self- direction.

· To establish mutual understanding.
· To help to know about oneself.
· To help to plan appropriate steps.
· To change the client behaviour or beliefs or levels of emotional distress or all these.
· To make important life decisions.
· To enhance an individual’s ability to cope with life situations
· Problem oriented
· Understanding and managing negative feelings.
· To provide the information.
· To gather relevant information.

Jince Joseph

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