What Is Curriculum Construction?


The curriculum is meant to select the pattern of life, a carefully selected pattern. According to Dewey curriculum is not a mere scheme of studies or a list of the subject but an entire range of activity and experience balanced, simplified and purified.

Basic Principles Of Curriculum Construction

The principles of curriculum construction can be explained in the following manner-

1. Child centric principle:-Curriculum should be child-centred. The interests, needs, capacities, abilities, age and the level of intelligence of children should be kept in view and close attention wiggle constructing a suitable curriculum.

 2.The Conservative Principle:-The past is a great guide for the present as it helps us to decide what has been useful to these who have lived before and what will be useful to those who are living now. Thus while constructing a curriculum it should be noted that conservation should be fulfilled.

3.The Forward-Looking Principle:-Curriculum subjects and materials should be forward-looking so that the child is able to solve the various problems coming before him in the immediate as well as the remote future.

 4.The Creation Principle:-Those subjects should be assigned prominent place in the curriculum which developed the creative and constructive capacities and abilities of children.

 5.Principle of Totality of Experience:-The integrated whole of human experiences should be included in the curriculum as one unit.

6.Principle of preparation of life:-We have to prepare the child in such a way as he is capable of facing the various challenges of the complex problems of the future. The curriculum should be considered this matter always.

7.Principle of Maturity:-Curriculum should be according to the grade of the pupils and to their stage of mental and physical development. Man always tries to adjust with the changing circumstances in the light of his own abilities and needs.

8.Principle of Flexibility and Variety:-The curriculum should include such activities and experiences which may facilitate his normal development.

9.Principle of Utility:-Curriculum should include those subjects,, activities and experiences which are useful to present as well as the future life of children.

10.Principle of Individual difference:-Psychologically, all individuals are not alike. Individuals differ in abilities, interests and aptitudes. The curriculum should be framed in such a way so that every individual can have the opportunity for self-expression and development.

11.Principle of integration and Co-relation:-The curriculum should be comprehensive and wide. But irreverent subjects be given up as far as possible.

12.Principle of Character Building:-Curriculum should provide those activities and experiences which promote human and social values.

13.Principle of proper utilisation.
14.Principle of loyalty.
15.Principle of the dignity of labour.
16.Principle of developing democratic spirit.
17. Principle of community centred.
18.Principle of cultural preservation.
19.Principle of variety and elasticity.
20.Principle of the core subject.
21.Principle of linking with community life.
22.Principle for the use of leisure.
23.The interrelation of subjects.

Jince Joseph

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.